蘇州躍金凈化設備有限公司是以空氣凈化設備、噴漆成套設備的設計與制作、安裝。空氣初效過濾器、中袋式中效過濾器、過濾器、空氣過濾棉、汽車普通空氣濾芯、活性炭空氣濾芯。印刷線、烘烤箱等生產加工有限責任公司,我司還銷售各類噴槍、電靜電槍及相關配件。公司總部設在蘇州市吳中區光福鎮田舍路6—29號,本公司另承接各類塑膠、五金產品的印刷加工。蘇州躍金凈化設備有限公司擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系,公司以客戶為導向,品質至上,服務、交期的信念。自本公司成立以來。服務、實力和產品品質都已獲得業界的認可。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨蘇州躍金凈化設備有限公司參觀、指導和業務洽談。您的信得過是我們存在的保障。謝謝您的光臨。Suzhou Yuejin Purification Equipment Co.,Ltd mainly engages in designing, manufacturing and installing of air purification equipment and complete sets of purification equipment. Our company specializes in manufacturing and processing primary、medium、high efficiency filter, air filter cotton, paint peripheral equipment, auto air filter element and so on. The headquarter is located in No.6-29, Tianshe Rd.. Guangfu Town, Wuzhong District, Suzhou. Based on customer-oriented policy, our company adhere to the business philosophy of “ quality first, service foremost and delivery in time”. Integrity, strength and quality have been widely accepted in this industry since its establishment.