蘇州福共包裝材料有限公司成立于2007年。生產基地位于風景秀麗的江南水鄉,人間天堂--蘇州太倉市。總公司為成立于1997年的上海福共塑編有限公司。公司東鄰京滬高速公路,北倚長江。地理位置十分。 蘇州福共包裝材料有限公司致力于紙塑復合包裝材料及氣相防銹包裝材料的生產和銷售,公司現有多名從事金屬防銹包裝行業,經驗豐富的研發和銷售人員;公司是目前國內從事金屬防銹包裝領域競爭力的企業。公司采用目前的寬幅紙塑復合機組,自動分切機組及高速涂布機組 , 流水線生產設備。主要產品有平紋編織布復合紙,皺紋夾絲復合紙,皺紋復合紙,平紋復合紙,涂膜編織布以及各種氣相防銹包裝材料等。產品主要用于各種鋼材,板材等金屬制品以及汽車零配件,五金機電等的防銹包裝。公司客戶遍及國內各地及亞太市場,主要服務于寶鋼,武鋼,馬鋼等國內大型鋼廠及韓國浦項,日本川崎制鐵等外資鋼鐵公司,部分產品還菲律賓,泰國,新加坡,摩洛哥等國家和地區。公司已順利通過ISO9001質量管理體系認證,且全系列產品通過SGS檢測,符合出口歐盟的RoHS指令要求。 公司本著“質量、信譽至上”的宗旨,堅持以質量求生存、以品質求發展的原則,以滿足客戶的需求為己任。堅持不斷改進、不斷完善、不斷發展的進取精神,真誠希望能和您密切合作,互惠互利,共同發展。Suzhou Fugong Packing Materials Co.,Ltd. Located at Taicang city in Suzhou, which is the canal town in southern china of the beautiful lancsacpe. Our company is east to the Beijing-Shanghai highway, north by the Changjiang river, which has a very good geographical location. Company has been striving to work on the R&D, production and sales of the paper and plastic syntactic packing material as well as the air-rust prevention packing materials, we have had the expertise of R&D and sales who are involved in anti-rust metal packaging industry for many years, which have made the company as one of the most competitive enterprise in this industry. At present,we have the most advanced equipments to build several production lines, which include the broad-paper-plastic composite units and auto high-speed slitter group coating unit.Our main products are fabric complex paper,creased wire complex paper,taffeta complex paper,coating fabric and the VCI paper of all kinds.Those products have been applied to various industries like steels,sheet materials,automotives parts, hardware & electronic and so on.Our company serves customers in the Asia-Pacific and all around the domestic market.