蘇州工業園區利普生商用機器有限公司,位于工業園區-----中國、新加坡工業園。南鄰312國道,北臨陽澄湖,。工廠占地十余畝,廠房近萬平米。注冊資金461萬。員工百余人,其中,工程技術人員占半數以上。 公司生產復印機另部件己有十五年的歷史,致力于產品的研發,對產品的質量力求精益求精。其中,分離爪品種,基本囊括了世界各的全部機型,而且品質,年產數百萬枚而無一投訴。自主知識產權研制的OPC生產線,生產的感光鼓品質穩定,電性能及使用壽命均達到原廠的水平。OPC感光鼓以原廠色、大口經為特點,避免了與國內同行的竟爭。感光鼓齒輪及各類定影齒輪、傳動齒輪的精度和使用壽命完全達到OEM的標準,顯影間隙輪以的精度和可靠性,滿足了客戶的嚴格要求。 公司堅持從產品質量為生命線,以產品的質優來開拓市場、以規模化經營來優化效益、以良好的信譽來爭取、鞏固用戶,絕不參與劣質產品的市場惡性竟爭,走與客戶雙贏的道路。The company is located in Suzhou Industrial Park, south of Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway and connected by State Highway No. 312 overlooking north of Yang Cheng River. Accessible transportation service with good environment. It covers an area of 10 acre with 10,000 square foot factory and support facility. The registered capital of Chinese Yuan 416,000,000 and employed more than 100 work forces. More than half of the work force is engineering and technical personnel. The Company has manufacturing copier spare parts for a decade with high commitment to the research and development of high-end products. The major products are 1.Separation claw (picker finger) with annual production capacity of 1,000,000 pieces. We are able to manufacture wide range of separation claw with excellent quality. 2.Opc Drum with OEM Original Colour. 3.Other parts includes gear, bushings, spacer roller wheel and other accessories to meet the stringent requirements of high customers expectation.Companies is looking to open up the market with high-quality products to optimize the benefits to the scale of operation to compete for customers with good reputation We always believe in high quality products for customers and never use low inferior products to compete in this competitive market. This is a win win situation for customers and the company.
詳細資料 | |
公司名稱 | 蘇州工業園區利普生商用機器有限公司 |
企業法人 | 張翎 |
所在地 | 江蘇蘇州 |
企業類型 | 私營股份有限公司 |
成立時間 | 1998年11月20日 |
注冊資金 | 人民幣461萬 |
主營行業 | 復印機配件 |
主營產品 | 復印機配件,辦公設備耗材 |
主營地區 | 蘇州工業園區唯亭鎮奇業路45號 |
經營模式 | 生產型 |
經營范圍 | 研制開發生產銷售計算機及其配件、復印機、耗材、現代辦公設備、通信設備(不含衛星地面接收設備)、光機電一體化產品及相關技術服務;注塑、模具制造。(依法須經批準的項目,經相關部門批準后方可開展經營活動) |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司郵編 | 215000 |
公司電話 | 0512-67163777 |
- 張翎
- 江蘇
- 復印機配件
- 復印機配件,辦公設備耗材
- 蘇州工業園區唯亭鎮奇業路45號
- 張翎
- 蘇州工業園區利普生商用機器有限公司
- 215000
- 蘇州工業園區唯亭鎮奇業路45號