創建于1996年,前身為東升木業,于2007年更名為宿遷三泰木業有限公司,2009年三個工廠合并為江蘇樹仁林業有限公司。坐落在中國意楊之鄉——泗陽縣,東靠泗陽縣城,北臨大運河,南瀕洪澤湖,325省道沿門而過,水陸交通便捷,地理位置。公司占地面積80余畝,廠房面積15000平方米,員工420余人,其中研發人員19人,公司年產量達4萬立方米,擁有自主進出口權。公司于2001年被泗陽縣委、縣授予“個體私營企業”,同年被宿遷市委、市評為“農業產業化”;2002年經江蘇省遠東國際評估有限公司審定為“AAA級資格等級”;2004年被認定為“宿遷市高新技術企業”;幻影彩線木、沙比利木等4種產品被認定為“市高新技術產品”;2006年被江蘇省科學技術廳授予“江蘇省星火”稱號。2007年公司的總產值近億元,公司產品全國各地,并俄羅斯、印尼、愛沙尼亞、瑞典、美國,深受國內外市場的好評。目前公司主要生產兩大類產品:科技木和膠合板。科技木類產品有:木方、刨切皮、薄板、木線條。膠合板類產品有:異形全樺木膠合板、樺楊木膠合板、全楊木膠合板。上述產品均可按客戶要求的規格生產。 We, DongSheng are an established plywood manufacturer and exporter. We have been in this industry field for over 18 years in China. We have its own imports-exports right. It is located in Siyang City; Siyang is birthplace of the Italian Poplar growing in the southern China as well as the only “Hometown of Italian poplar in China"". We are experienced in supplying a variety range of film faced plywood and commercial plywood, MDF, PB etc. The size: 1220mm×2440mm×2.5mm---24mm. Besides, we also produce 1250mm×2500mm ones. We are using Dynea WBP Glue and film (120g/m2), which is the top-quality products in the world. Our products are exported to Europe, mid east area, Russia, America, SE Asia, etc. Here, we would like to introduce our company to you as one of your valued supplier in future. We are prepared to provide you our best service as well as our competitive price too.