我廠地處風景秀麗的太湖之濱,交通方便,是生物、化工、制藥設備及配套金屬結構產品制造的工廠。 產品有WNS、SZS、DHG、LSG、DZL等七大系列近200種規格,具有熱、出力足、升溫快、自動化程度高、環保性能好、外形美觀等優點,銷售全國三十個省、市、自治區,并出口東南亞、中東及非洲國家。 我廠技術力量雄厚,生產設備,生產工藝,檢測手段完善,質量,具有BRI級(一、二類壓力容器)許可證,許可證號:RZZ(蘇)—158(06),并已通過中國中大華遠質量認證中心IS09002質量認證。多年來,我廠本著“用戶滿意是我們所追求的,用戶所想是我們應做到的”經營理念:“質量,價格合理,交貨及時,服務誠信周到”的企業宗旨。致力于化工林產化工、食品、生物、制藥領域的化工機械的研制開發及生產應用,并取得了良好的市場效應,獲得了用戶的一致稱譽 Wuxi Xuelang Boiler Co., Ltd. (Wuxi Zhenghe Boiler Co., Ltd.), which has boiler-making Certificate of class C, is a famous boiler manufacture in China and one of the best manufactures for the technique and economy targets in boiler-making field in the past years. We have an abundance of technique, complete equipment, advanced craft and integrity testing method. There are 7 series and almost 200 standards of the products such as WHS, SZS, DHG, LSG, DZL and so on. The products have many advantages such as efficient caloric, strong power, rising -temperature quickly, high Automation, good capability of environment-conservancy and beautiful figure. The market of our products is over 30 Provinces (Cities) in China and we also export the products to South-East Asia, Middle East and Africa. Our company regards technique-forwardness and aggrandizes the investment of technique-improvement and we imported auto-weld & hackle equipment advanced in the world. So that we improved the quality of our products and passed the certification of Quality-System of IS09001 successfully. Our company lives in the brink of beautiful Taihu lake and transportation is convenient. We specialized in making the equipment of biology, chemistry, remedy and other corresponding metal structure products. We have the certificate of grade BRI (pressure container of Class A & B) to produce the boiler. Certificate No.:RZZ(Jiangsu)-158(06).We also passed the Quality Certification of IS09002 by China Fangyuan Quality Certification Center. To make the customers satisfied is what we pursue and to do everything what the customers need is what we should do. Which is our manage gist. And we purpose to best quality, reasonable price, prompt delivery, sincere and thoughtful service. We are devoted to research and manufacture, develop and produce to use about the machinery of chemistry-industry in the fields such as chemistry-industry, forestry, food, organisms, medicines-making and so on.
詳細資料 | |
公司名稱 | 無錫市中潤藥化機械有限公司 |
企業法人 | 許立忠 |
所在地 | 江蘇無錫 |
企業類型 | 私營股份有限公司 |
成立時間 | 2004-02-19 |
注冊資金 | 50 萬元萬人民幣 |
主營行業 | 外盤管設備 |
主營產品 | 外盤管設備,外盤管反應鍋,蒸發器 |
主營地區 | 無錫市太湖鎮釣橋村顧巷上100號 |
經營模式 | 生產型 |
經營范圍 | 化工設備、非標金屬結構件的制造、加工;五金加工;壓力容器的銷售。() |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司郵編 | 214000 |
公司電話 | 13771091933 |
- 許立忠
- 江蘇
- 外盤管設備
- 外盤管設備,外盤管反應鍋,蒸發器
- 無錫市太湖鎮釣橋村顧巷上100號
- 許立忠
- 08-5190988
- 無錫市中潤藥化機械有限公司
- 214000
- 無錫市太湖鎮釣橋村顧巷上100號