常州木金易超聲波設備有限公司位于經濟發達的江蘇省常州市,擁有強大的產品研發能力以及完善的質量和售后服務體系,始終致力于超聲波服裝機械設備以及相關配套的研發和銷售。經過多年的發展,現已形成了幾大系列,數十種產品,包括超聲波花邊機,超聲波縫綻機,超聲波復合機,超聲波縫合機,超聲波點焊機,超聲波無紡布機械,超聲波分切機等,產品美國、墨西哥,哥倫比亞、俄羅斯、烏克蘭、泰國、印度、巴西、印尼、烏茲別克斯坦等幾十個國家和地區,憑借其良好的質量和服務深受客戶好評。我們的設備廣泛應用于服裝花邊、面料復合、酒店用品、一次性無紡布醫療產品,空氣凈化(過濾袋)、包裝裝飾、無紡布產品、家紡等眾多領域,尤其是超聲波花邊機以其使用范圍廣,產品特色強為我們贏得了廣闊的市場前景。我司提供各類超聲波服裝設備的咨詢服務和設計生產,可按客戶特殊需要進行制造;另外承接花邊、皮革壓花、面料無線絎縫等加工業務。我司奉行”質量,服務至上”的宗旨,一直把質量和信譽視為企業生存的根本,精益求精,不斷提高我們的市場競爭力。熱忱歡迎廣大國內外客戶蒞臨指導,洽談合作,共謀發展。Located in Changzhou city China and equipped with powerful R&D capacity & excellent after -sales service, our company -Changzhou MuJingYi Machinery Co.,Ltd has always been engaged in R&D and sales of ultrasonic garments machinery Our products include:Ultrasonic Lace Sewing Machine,Ultrasonic Quilting Machine,Ultrasonic Sealing Machine,Ultrasonic Spot Welding Machine,Ultrasonic Cutting Machine,Ultrasonic Non woven machinery.Which are widely used in fields of garment,hotel products,non woven surgical disposable,packing,home textiles,filters,etc.They are also and will always be enjoying high reputation among customers home and abroad because of superior quality and satisfactory serviceSeriously stick to policy”Quality first, Customer first” as we believe Quality and Credit will make us stand out of tough competition and keep moving forwards in this ever-changing marketWe sincerely appreciate your trust & choice and hope to work closely hand in hand with clients all over the world to a more bright futureWelcome to Changzhou MuJingYiMachinery Co.,Ltd