大頭針 寶應木林森服裝輔料有限公司地處長江三角洲歷史文化名城----揚州市寶應縣,這里交通便利,地處江蘇省中部,夾于江淮之間,京杭運河縱貫南北,是揚州市的“北大門”,北和淮安毗鄰。風景迷人,是國內外客商投資興業的理想之地。 我公司從事針業產品的研發、生產。品種不斷,規格不斷完善,生產規模不斷擴大。現有:文教辦公用大頭針、服裝輔料用大頭針、日用五金用大頭針和電子類針。特別是服裝輔料用針類產品已銷往歐美、日韓和東南亞等市場,并與國內各大襯衫企業簽訂長年配套銷售,經過不懈的追求和努力,產品的品質和價格在國內外客商中得到評價。 我們的目標:堅持以人為本,誠信經營, 客戶、信譽至上的宗旨和與時俱進、停步的精神,運用現代管理理念,注重環境保護,生產產品。 我們信奉:品種、款式、質量、貨期、服務并進的宗旨,為顧客提供的服務,不斷將“木林森”品牌做大做強。董事長、總經理吉沐林先生與您共創雙贏、攜手共進、共創美好的明天! Baoying Mulinsen Garment Accessories Co. Ltd. is located in Baoying County. Being praised as the historic civilized city of Yangzhou municipality in the Yangtze River Delta. Baoying not only enjoys the convenient transportation but also the attractive landscape. With the Grand Canal passing through it, the county is at the central part of Jiangsu Province between the Yangtze River and the Huai River. All features are mentioned above make Baoying become an ideal land to make investment in both domestic and foreign businesses.