礦山機械廠是集科研、生產、銷售于一體的業化企業。主要產品有磁選機、干選機、過濾機、球磨機、分選機、回收機、除鐵器等礦選設備。我公司常年和馬礦院一些礦山科研機構合作,在發展中不斷增強自身科研力量。憑借完善的質量控制與檢測手段,的售后服務,使企業在同行中享有聲譽,深受廣大用戶的青睞。公司地處歐亞大陸橋東橋東堡,地理環境,廠北面臨市標準公路,緊鄰東隴海線和國際航空物流中心,交通十分便利。公司秉承“創新、共贏、榮譽”的企業精神,將華東礦山機械打造成為“為客戶創造大價值和財富,為社會創造和諧文明”的企業。The East Mine Machinery Factory is a collection of scientific research, production, sales in the professional integration of industry enterprise. The main products are magnetic separator, dry separation machine, filter, ball mill, grading machine, recycling machine, magnetic separator and other mineral processing equipment. My company all the year round and horse ore mines of scientific research institutions, in the developing continuously enhance their own scientific research. With the perfect quality control and detection means, excellent after sale service, so that enterprises in the peer in reputation, favored by the majority of users.The company is located in Eurasia East East Fort, superior geographical environment, plant north facing standard highway, adjacent to the East Longhai and international air logistics center, traffic is very convenient.Companies adhering to the ""innovation, a win-win situation, honor"" spirit of enterprise, the East China mining machinery and build"" to create maximum value for customers and wealth, in order to create a harmonious society civilization"" of the well-known enterprises.