研發:金屬環保覆膜板;生產:機械設備(整套生產線);環保覆膜型建筑材料、復合材料、裝飾材料、彩鋼板、廣告材料、隔熱材料、環保膜、彩鋼卷、鍍鋅鋼卷;環保膜;并支持來料加工。 本公司位于美麗的“華北明珠”白洋淀湖畔,華北油田駐地,河北省任丘市,是一家集研發、生產為一體的科技型企業。本公司研發部153項試驗以及多項技術專利只為一件事情——打造中國綠色環保型建材。研發生產機械設備及各種金屬環保覆膜板為主營業務;在金屬表面處理領域從以往的噴涂和鍍鋅轉型為覆膜!業務涉及全國多家彩鋼板、防火門、卷簾門、入室防盜門、廣告裝飾材料、鋼木門、小家電、鋼木家具等200余家生產廠家開展長期合作;已經和全球十多個國家和地區開展長期合作。公司秉承“眾鑫致勝、攜手共贏”。R&D: Environmental film coating on metal (for protection and decoration purposes)Production: We design and manufacture “The complete production line equipment”; and as well the film coating for construction material; composite and decorative material; steel sheets and coil sheets; advertising; insulation and galvanized material etc..OEM and processing projects are also welcome.Our Firm:?? Hebei Zhongxin Zhisheng Metal Products Co. Ltd., located in “The Pearl of Northern?China”, alongside the Baiyangdian Lake, the Huabei Oilfield base in Renqui, Hebei Province.? Zhongxin Zhisheng is a full functional corporation including R+D and production plant.?We have more than 153 owned trial items and patterns technology aimed to build up as a leadership firm in “Green construction field”.? We are leading to change the metal surface treatment technology.We are cooperating with different manufacturing firm in China, including Formed Steel sheets; fire doors and security doors; advertising firms and home appliance manufacturers;doors (in steel and wood material).? And extending our technology and services to overseas customers in related field.Our policy is :? Customers and us are winners!