定立元銅件制造有限公司始建于1991年,公司占地面積11000平米,為始終專注于銅及銅合金鑄造和加工的技術型生產企業。主要從事、、高導電,高強度、高難度的銅合金鑄件產品的研發、生產及銷售。產品為純銅、黃銅、錫青銅、鋁青銅等各種銅及銅合金鑄件 公司鑄造車間主要的生產工藝包括蠟型精密鑄造、覆膜砂鑄造、普通砂型鑄造、金屬型鑄造等公司機械加工車間擁有加工中心、數控車床等的生產設備30余臺,可根據客戶圖紙要求加工各種銅及銅合金鑄件 公司產品應用范圍廣泛,主要應用于軍事工業、船舶行業、航空航天、機械配件、醫療器械、工藝品等領域。 公司位于河北省清苑縣第二工業區,距京石高速清苑出口200米,地理位置,交通便利。公司堅持為冶金工業服務的根本宗旨是以誠信為本,憑品質括市場,靠創新求發展,愿與國內外朋友廣泛交流,共謀發展Company ProfileBaoding Liyuan Copper Parts Manufacturing Co., ltd, a technology-oriented manufacturer always specializing in copper and copper alloys casting as well as processing, was established in 1991, covering an area of 11,000 square meters. The company is mainly engaged in the research and development, manufacture and sale of cast copper alloy products high in performance, precision, conductivity, strength and production difficulty, with high-quality copper and copper alloy pieces cast from fine copper, brass, tin-bronze and aluminum-bronze as its products.The major manufacturing techniques used by the casting shop include wax mold precision casting, pre-coated sand casting and permanent mold casting.The machine shop of the company with over 30 sophisticated equipments such as processing centers and numerically controlled lathes can process a range of copper and copper alloy castings in accordance with customers’ drawings and requirements.Our products have been widely applied in such fields as military industry, ship industry, aviation, machine parts manufacture, medical apparatus and instruments production as well as handiwork. Advantageously located at Th