我公司位于河南省鄭州西郊滎陽市,南是310國道,北是隴海鐵路和開洛高速公路,距鄭州市25公里。 Our company is located in Henan Province, Zhengzhou in the western suburbs of Xingyang, South State Road 310, North Longhai Railway and the Kaifeng-Luoyang expressway, 25 kilometers away from Zhengzhou city. 我公司是生產成套選礦機械和水泥、化工、建材等設備的廠,具有三十多年的生產經驗。其主要產品有:鄂式、錘式、輥式、反擊式破碎機、球棒磨機、整體式節能圓錐球磨機、回轉窯、干燥機、冷卻機、成球機、振動篩、自動返砂螺旋分級機、節能浮選機、礦用攪拌槽、給料機、陶瓷過濾機、濃縮機、提升輸送等機械設備。 Our company is the production of complete sets of processing machinery and cement, chemical industry, building materials and other professional equipment factory, has thirty years of production experience. Its main products are: jaw crusher, hammer crusher, roller, crusher, mill, a whole type high-efficiency energy-saving cone ball mill, rotary kiln, drying, cooling machine, a ball machine, vibrating screen, automatic return sand spiral classifier, energy efficient flotation machine, agitation tank, feeder, ceramic filter, thickener, hoisting and conveying machinery and equipment. 2010年起,我公司加強科技投入和技術轉型,與大型科研單位聯合從事固液分離設備的研發、生產、銷售,2011年開發成功陶瓷過濾機系列產品。該產品產量大,水份低,節能在80%以上,濾液水清澈透明可回收再利用.主要應用在黑色金屬礦鐵礦.亞鐵礦.赤鐵礦.有色金屬礦的鉛、鋅、銅、鉬非金屬礦磷、硫等精礦及尾礦脫水使用。 Since 2010, to strengthen scientific and technical input and technical transformation of our company, specialized and large-scale joint research units engaged in solid-liquid separation equipment R & D, production, sales, in 2011 the successful development of ceramic filter series products. The product yield, low water, energy saving is more than 80%, the filtrate water is clear and transparent recyclable. Mainly used in the black metal iron ore iron ore. Asia. Hematite. Lead, zinc, copper, molybdenum mine of nonferrous metal and non-metallic minerals such as phosphorus, sulfur concentrate and tailings dewatering using. 我公司以“質量,用戶至上”為宗旨,特聘鄭州、洛陽、北京、長沙、長春等設計院校進行技術合作,可為用戶提供項目設計、礦石鑒定、小試、中試設備選型、工藝流程設計、設備現場安裝調試等服務。 My company to ""quality first, the user first"" for the purpose,
詳細資料 | |
公司名稱 | 鄭州市眾基機械制造有限公司 |
企業法人 | 馬保紅 |
所在地 | 河南鄭州 |
企業類型 | 個體經營 |
成立時間 | 2011-04-28 |
注冊資金 | 1000萬人民幣 |
主營行業 | 礦山機械組裝 |
主營產品 | 礦山機械組裝 |
主營地區 | 滎陽市喬樓鎮滎密路任莊 |
經營模式 | 或其他機構 |
經營范圍 | 礦山機械組裝。 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司郵編 | 450100 |
公司電話 | 13607652351 |
- 馬保紅
- 河南
- 礦山機械組裝
- 礦山機械組裝
- 滎陽市喬樓鎮滎密路任莊
- 馬保紅
- 13837165538
- 鄭州市眾基機械制造有限公司
- 450100
- 滎陽市喬樓鎮滎密路任莊