慶天盛儀表有限公司是一家集開發、生產、銷售、服務于一體的摩托車儀表(機械式儀表、數字式液晶儀表、越野車儀表、沙灘車儀表)的生產廠家。公司座落在重慶市江津區雙福工業園區,公司擁有資產3000余萬元,占地面積200畝,建筑面積40000余平方米。公司現有員工360余人,其中各類技術人員52人。公司擁有的9條流水線生產設備及各種精密檢驗儀器,年生產摩托車儀表能力已超過200萬套,成為國內摩托車儀表規模生產企業之一. 公司在不斷引進高層管理人員和中工程技術人員的基礎上,始終堅持以市場為導向,科技為依托,充分發揮科技優勢和人才優勢,靠的管理,創的企業,出的產品,使公司健康的快速發展,并于2004年5月在重慶市大渡口區注冊成立了天臺縣天盛儀表有限公司重慶大渡口分公司。 公司本著“嚴謹管理、精益求精、顧客滿意、信譽永恒、追求”的企業文化,結合現代化的管理(于2001年通過ISO9001:2000體系認證,2004年通過CQC產品認證),以求為社會提供更多物美的產品和的服務。 ChongQing Tiansheng Instrument Co., Ltd. was established in 1999, which used to be Zhejiang Tiantai Tiansheng Instrument Co., Ltd. This company is a motorcycle instrument professional manufacturer collecting the development, production, sales and service as an integration. The new company is located in the Shuangfu Industrial Park of Jiangjin District Industrial Park, posscessing total assets of 56 million yuan and covering an area of 100 mu, and 80,000 square meters building area. The company also has a convenient transportation, which gets 21 km away from Chongqing city with 20 minutes driving time, and 40 minutes driving time to Jiangbei International Airport. The company currently has over 300 employees, 9 advanced lined productive equipments and all sorts of precise testing apparatuses. Its annual production capacity has exceeded 200 million units which has become one of the domestic motorcycle instrument-scale production companies.)重慶天盛儀表有限公司ChongQing Tiansheng Instrument Co., Ltd地址:重慶市江津區雙福工業園B區(潤通工業園斜對面)電話:傳真:郵編:405560郵箱:[email protected]網址:www.tians.com.cnAdd.:A