重慶北碚三力玻璃制品有限公司地處重慶市的后花園北碚區,公司主要生產中酒瓶,洋酒瓶和中玻璃器皿。 作為的玻璃制品生產公司,公司擁有雄厚的技術實力,有傳統工藝的人工吹制以及機吹、機壓生產方式。我們的技術隊伍熟練掌握了刻花、磨砂、酸洗、打磨、烤花等提高產品質量,增加花色品種的關鍵加工工藝。同時,還可以按客戶的特殊要求量身定制。 公司始終遵循以質量為生命,以信譽為根本的宗旨。曾多次在全國糖酒交易會上獲得質量信得過產品。2003年被評為中國質量萬里行單位,2006年通過了質量管理體系ISO9001:2000標準認證。本公司產品深受國內外客戶的喜愛,北美、歐洲市場以及南韓、臺灣等地區。北京人民大會堂,釣魚臺國賓館曾特邀我司供應玻璃器皿. Chong Qing Bei Bei San Li Glass Products Co., LTD,founded in 1999, is a specialized glassware manufacturer in the scenic Beibei district of Chong Qing. As a professional producer for glass bottles, household utensils and other glass products, our company has mastered lots of special processing techniques to improve product quality such as decal, engraving and polishing,etc.Besides,we can produce glass bottles as per the customers"" requirements. The corporation pays great importance to credit and quality.Our quality management system was certified by SGS as meeting the ISO9001:2000 requirements.At present, our products are enjoying popularity in Asia,North America,Europe and so on.If you wish to know more about our company,please don’t hesitate to contact us.