臨安華立電光源器材廠成立于2002年,坐落在風景秀麗的杭州市西郊,“燈光之鄉”——高虹鎮,是一家從事燈絲生產的企業。擁有國內水平的自動化燈絲生產線,年產各類熒光燈燈絲、鹵鎢燈燈絲5億條。我們實踐于“、、創新”的管理理念;秉承“自信、務實、誠信、團結、求發展”的經營理念;積極努力地把“華立”打造成節能燈絲行業的品牌,歡迎各節能燈生產廠家和外貿企業前來洽談合作,讓我們真誠合作,共同攜手建設綠色照明的美好明天。Founded in 2001,LinAn HuaLi Lighting Electronics Corporation specializes in manufacturing filaments, located in a beautiful district in the western part of HangZhou called GaoHong Town, titled “ The hometown of lighting”. With an advanced automation product line, HuaLi manages to produce 500 million filaments of various fluorescent lamp and halogen tungsten lamp. We put the administration logos, ” Professional, Efficient and Innovative” into practice. We inherit the logos” Be confident, honest, united and we’ll be able to achieve success.” We try our best to build HuaLi to be a well-known brand in the filament industry. Sincerely, we welcome all factories manufacturing energy-saving lamps and engaging in foreign trades. Cooperate with us, surely will we build the bright future of “Green Lighting”.