陜西力拓植物化工有限責任公司,成立于2010年2月份,位于西安經濟技術開發區,是一家致力于植物提取物,食品添加劑、醫藥中間體、氨基酸等產品的高科技外向型企業。經過幾年的快速發展,力拓已經在醫藥化工品生產領域樹立了良好的品牌形象和企業形象,積累了豐富的行業經驗和客戶資源,建立了堅實的客戶基礎和完善的銷售服務網絡。公司的產品已經廣泛地應用到食品、飲料、保健品、化妝、藥品、日化等行業中,產品全世界60多個國家和地區。與美、加、澳大利亞、.南非,港澳等十幾個國家和地區的制造企業和醫藥原料貿易商建立了穩定的業務關系。公司現設有研發中心、市場部、銷售部、檢測中心、銷售服務部等部門。Founded in 2010, RIOTTO is a leading manufacturer of dietary, food and nutritional supplements. Our innovative approach to product research and development has earned us recognition within the industry for the quality and value of our ingredients. We specialize in providing consistent bulk raw materials, offering these materials at competitive prices and providing the technical support. Riotto operates as a manufacturer, exporter and further processor for the products. We specialize in producing private label and custom form......