上海精見實業有限公司是一家專注于廣告耗材經營的企業,產品涵蓋了亞克力(有機玻璃)、PVC自由發泡板、PS板等。 “美の臣”亞克力是由上海精見公司與上海美臣亞克力公司針對中國的消費需求而精心聯合打造的中品牌。產品源于臺灣自動化生產線,以國內MMA單體為原料,采用國際技術澆鑄而成。 公司一直以來把品牌建設放在戰略,穩定的質量是”美の臣”亞克力生存的根本。的原材料是產品質量穩定的基礎;從臺灣引進的設備是產品的關鍵;的國際技術是產品創新的動力;用心服務是產品的保障。 “美の臣”亞克力以的品質鍛造了品牌價值,并為國內中亞克力樹立了行業標竿。 MASON Acrylic is a top quality item of Shanghai Mason Acrylic Co., Ltd., which is aimed for Chinese domestic market. It is a casting acrylic made of original Chinese high quality MMA raw material, born from the automatic production line from TAIWAN and adopting the advanced international casting technology. Quality is the life line of MASON acrylic. We put this theme on the top position of our developing strategy, thus we use the top quality raw material, we introduce the automatic production line from TAIWAN, we adopt advanced and innovative international technology and we offer the most obliging service. With the excellent quality, we make MASON a great brand of acrylic in China and an exclusive example of acrylic industry.