本公司隸屬于上海西源貿易有限公司,公司主要從事上海地區的名片印刷以及各類商務印刷服務。 公司擁有日本全進口OP-030、OP-AIR、ARZ-III等系列的名片印刷機,從事名片設計、印刷、加工服務。公司通過幾年的發展擁有了較好的信譽;更擁有了如:飛利浦、羅氏、攜程網、歐姆龍、輝瑞、富士星光、開利空調、新聯康、西門子、NSK、諾華、三菱重工、GMS、MAN、NXP、雅芳、如新、國泰君安、東洋、家悅、三聯投資、摩根大通等高層次的客戶群。 公司采用的印刷機及輔助設備、備有三百多種各種各樣的藝術紙張,輕松實現彩色名片、凸字名片、UV名片、燙金名片的印刷。 熱忱歡迎各大企業、廣告公司、門店、商務樓和有名片業務的單位與我們聯系,我們將提供、誠信、便捷的服務。可免費設計制作,免費送貨。 公司另承接信紙、信封、聯單、宣傳單、彩色樣本的印刷,我們恭候您的來電。希望能成為您公司的印刷供應商。 您的滿意,是我們大的追求! 我們相信因為專一,所以! This firm is a part of the Shanghai Xiyuan Trade Limited Company. It mainly provides business card printing services in Shanghai area. The company has many first- class name cards printers, such as OP-030, OP AIR, ARZ III, which are all imported from Japan. It specializes in afford the service for business cards design, printing and processing. The company has earned an excellent reputation over several years through its own quickly development. It has provided services to many high-level customers, such as Phillips, Roche, Ctrip, Omron, Pfizer, Fujifilm, Karrier, Newland, Siemens, Novartis, Mitsubishi, GMS, MAN, NXP, AVON, NUSKIN, Guotai Junai, Toyo, Argos, Sunlight, Sleep and China Galaxy. The company uses advanced printers and supporting facilities and has more than 300 kinds of various artistic papers. The style of business cards we provided printed in color, braille, UV, and bronzed. We welcome all enterprises to contact us. We provide excellently qualified, faithful and convenient service. We design and deliver for free. We hope we can become your professional business card supplier, and always respectfully waiting for your call. Your satisfaction is our biggest goal to pursue. We believe to complete this belief through providing extraordinary service with our focused work attitude.
詳細資料 | |
公司名稱 | 上海愛儂廣告有限公司 |
企業法人 | 顧曰錦 |
所在地 | 上海上海 |
企業類型 | 個體經營 |
成立時間 | 2005-01-17 |
注冊資金 | 50萬人民幣 |
主營行業 | 五官檢查器 |
主營產品 | 五官檢查器,檢耳鏡,檢眼鏡,實驗 |
主營地區 | 上海滬宜路1號A-439 |
經營模式 | 生產型 |
經營范圍 | 設計、制作、代理、發布各類廣告,圖文設計制作,商務咨詢,企業形象策劃,展覽展示服務,禮儀服務,文具用品、體育用品、工藝品、日用百貨、建材的銷售。(涉及行政許可的,憑許可證經營)。【】 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司郵編 | 200000 |
公司電話 | 13391258883 |
- 顧曰錦
- 上海
- 五官檢查器
- 五官檢查器,檢耳鏡,檢眼鏡,實驗
- 上海滬宜路1號A-439
- 顧曰錦
- 021-51698663
- 上海愛儂廣告有限公司
- 200000
- 上海滬宜路1號A-439