上海飛卓電子科技有限公司是一家從事工業控制現場儀表研發、生產、銷售的高科技企業。產品涵蓋浮球液位開關,磁翻板液位計,阻旋式料位開關,氣動敲擊錘,空氣振動器,超聲波物/液位計,磁致伸縮液位計/界面計,雷達物位計/液位計,射頻導納物位計/液位計,流動開關流量開關,壓力變送器,音叉開關,一體化溫度變送器,流量計等。公司自2004年成立以來,為國內外化學工業、電子電器、電站工程、樓宇控制、水處理、糧食飼料、水泥、礦業、造船、冶金,機械配套等行業的工程和工業生產線提供了大量質優品正的自動控制產品,并得到了中外客戶的廣泛認可和高度贊譽。 Shanghai Feejoy Electronic Tech. Co., Ltd. is one of leading manufacturers specialized in field instruments of industrial control. Our range of products include various of float level switch, tuning fork level switch, flow switch, rotary paddle level switch, magnetic level indicator, ultrasonic level measurement, magnetostrictive level sensor/interface meter, radar level measurement, RF admittance level sensor, pressure transmitter, temperature transmitter, flow indicator, pneumatic percussion hammer, pneumatic vibrator etc. Since Feejoy was founded in 2004, we provide quiet number of high quality products to various producing line which covers chemical industry, electronic field , power plant project, building control, water treatment, grain&feed industry, cement, mining, shipbuilding, metallurgy, machinery etc., and we’ve got widely recognization and highly praise from domestic and overseas clients.