大連諾實管件制造有限公司是中國兵器工業集團公司所屬的國家一類保軍企業—吉林江北機械制造有限責任公司所投資的原大連經濟技術開發區北方管件工業公司的改制企業。公司座落于大連經濟技術開發區赤峰街7號,是國內大型焊接式工業管件生產基地之一,總占地面積20,370.40平方米,制造車間和辦公樓面積13,000.00平方米。 公司擁有從德國SCHAFER公司引進的SRP3-W13.5/18型多功能三項程控液壓機、臺灣東騰制造的8B三通成型機為代表的成型、加工、表面外觀等50余臺設備,六條彎頭成型線,兩條三通和異徑管成型線,兩條彎管生產線組成。生產ASME、JIS、DIN、GB、GD、SH等規范的碳鋼、合金鋼和不繡鋼工業管件系列產品,主要包括彎頭、三通、異徑管和管帽等無縫1/2〞-24〞和有縫至 60〞對焊式管件系列產品,1/8〞-4〞鍛制承插焊式和螺紋連接式管件系列產品,首期年生產能力5000噸。(年生產能力將在技術改造后達到10000噸)。 公司通過了ISO9001國際質量體系認證,制定并執行以《ISO9001》為藍本的質量體系,擁有完善的理化、無損檢測等測試設備和手段。 多年來,產品已被大批出口美國、德國、法國、荷蘭、意大利、日本、印度、新加坡和中東等30多個國家和地區,且廣泛應用于國內乙烯、石化、煉油、化學、電廠、造船、天然氣等工程項目,深受用戶好評。 公司緊緊依托企業技術與能力優勢,汲取生產的管理理念,牢固樹立質量是生命的質量觀,永遠追求人品、的核心價值觀,持續改進,持續提高,懈怠地打造一個的工業管件研發、制造基地。 BRIEF INTRODUCTION Dalian North Pipe Fittings Manufacture Co., Ltd is one of enterprises invested by Jilin Jiangbei Machinery Manufacture Co., Ltd who is national first-class large-scale enterprise under NORINCO (G). It is one of biggest industrial pipe fittings production bases in China. Its covering area is 20,370.40 ㎡and construction area is 13,000 ㎡. The company is possessed of geographical advantage with convenient transportation, complete infrastructure, more than 50 sets of advanced equipments including SRP3-W13.5/18 multi-functional P/C hydraulic press made in Germany, 8B tees forming machine made in Taiwan and others. It has 6 production lines for producing varieties of industrial pipe fittings. The products include series elbows, tees , reducers and caps made of carbon steel, stainless steel and alloy steel from 1/2〞 to 24〞 for seamless butt-welded pipe fittings and up to 60〞 for welded pipe fittings in compliance with ASME, JIS, DIN, DL, GD and SH specifications, and also series socket and threaded pipe fittings from 1/8〞 to 4〞The production capacity is 5000 tons per year and it will be up to 10000 tons per year after this technical improvement. The company won ISO 9001 certificate of conformity of quality system certification and worked out a complete set of qualit