宇公司位于浙江中部地區的磐安縣,與遐邇的世界小商品市場--義烏毗鄰。我公司成立于1997年,是國內早的一批金屬戶外家具生產企業,是集設計,開發,雕刻,模具制造,產品制造于一體的生產貿易型企業。主要經營花園家具,園林設施,戶外休閑品等歐美高等金屬家具制品。公司技術力量雄厚,人才,秉承融合、實干、學習、創新的核心價值觀。在經營的近15年間始終秉承追求的精神,將誠信至上作為立行之本,樹立了的品牌形象,得到了廣大客戶的廣泛認可和贊譽。同時積累了豐富的產品研發和制作經驗,擁有一系列的相關人才。公司產品擁有的歐美血統,種類多樣,典雅華貴,制作精良,歐美、日韓等十多個國家和地區,并在業內享有很高的聲譽。公司全體員工竭誠歡迎您的到來。我們將以的產品,實惠的價格,真誠的態度恭候您的光臨。共享品質生活,共創美好明天。Taiyu Ltd., an Chinese company with headquarter in Pan’an (nearby the world famous Yiwu commodity market), Zhejiang province, has operations around the global and is well recognized as a professional metal outdoor furniture manufacturer. As one of the first manufacturers and traders in this area, Taiyu Ltd., is integrated of design, development, carving, mold manufacturing, product manufacturing and sales. The scope of the company is mainly engaged in the western high-quality metal furniture products, such as splendid garden furniture, upscale garden facilities, and other outdoor accessories. The company was founded in 1997.Till now, it has employed roughly 200 people throughout its manufacturing, sales and technical centers. Especially the employees who are responsible for research and development are high-educated and experienced. The core value of our company is ""Integration, Hard Working, Learing and Innovation"" .And now, we have customers in Europe, America, Korea, Japan and other 10 countries. The ethical behavior and strong brand image bring us very good reputation in the world market.