安市岱岳區東興復合絕緣材料廠,位于五岳尊的泰山腳下。是生產變壓器用絕緣材料的廠家。 主要生產:菱格上膠絕緣紙,聚脂上膠薄膜,皺紋紙管、點膠紙。此外還經營絕緣紙板、電纜紙、變壓器配套材料。產品主要銷往國內外變壓器生產廠家。 公司秉承“質量,真誠服務”的經營理念,以的產品,周到的服務與廣大客戶建立了密切的關系。竭誠歡迎海內外新老客戶光臨惠顧,來電來函共創美好未來!The Dongxing composite insulating materials plant is a creative plant which located in the Xujialou industrial park of Taian City. Our plant mainly produces insulating materials for transformers and mutual inductors, and has a production history of more than ten years.We have advanced production and testing equipment to guarantee the quality. Our main productions are the Diamond Dotted Paper, the Diamond Dotted Insulating Film and the Insulating Crepe Paper Tube. We are also agent of cable paper and insulated cardboard of several famous brands. What’s more, the transformer supporting materials is also one of our business, the productions are mainly sold to the transformer producers in China and the foreign trade suppliers.In order to ensure the sustainable development and to meet the requirements of customers, we recruited outstanding graduates and professionals all over China and make them be responsible to every production process.
詳細資料 | |
公司名稱 | 泰安市岱岳區東興復合絕緣材料廠 |
企業法人 | 鄧江 |
所在地 | 山東泰安 |
企業類型 | 股份有限公司 |
成立時間 | 1999-03-16 |
注冊資金 | 0 萬元萬人民幣 |
主營行業 | 水泵 |
主營產品 | 水泵,機電產品,電機,電纜,軸承,工礦設備,五金交電,閥門管件,一般勞保用品,電器設備,辦公用品,建材銷售,園林綠化工程... |
主營地區 | 泰安市泮河路6號 |
經營模式 | 生產+貿易型 |
經營范圍 | 電纜紙復合加工、五金、建材、變壓器配件、電工材料銷售。(法律法規規定需經許可生產經營的,須憑許可證生產經營) |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司郵編 | 271000 |
公司電話 | 0538-15987463 |
- 鄧江
- 山東
- 水泵
- 水泵,機電產品,電機,電纜,軸承,工礦設備,五金交電,閥門管件,一般勞保用品,電器設備,辦公用品,建材銷售,園林綠化工程...
- 泰安市泮河路6號
- 鄧江
- 13905486740
- 泰安市岱岳區東興復合絕緣材料廠
- 271000
- 泰安市泮河路6號