棗莊市嘉鑫箱包有限公司,是一家生產ABS箱和EVA布軟箱制造公司,公司技術力量雄厚,擁有國內機設備。成立產品研發中心,不斷開發新產品、新工藝、新材料、新技術,以科技創新為動力,所開發每一款箱包緊扣市場要求,以誠信為己任,規模化經營得到國內外客戶贊譽和信任。公司以挑戰自我的團隊,以沒有好,只有更好為企業理念,公司歡迎國內外客戶光臨指導,攜手共創輝煌的明天。Zao Zhuang Jia Xin Case Co.Ltd is a special company which produce ABS case and soft case.Our Company has a lot of super technician and has the first-rate machinery equipment in our country.The centre of our company""s derelopment which develop new product new techndogg new meterial and new technique Continually.Each new type of case has been produced which satisfy needs of the market.Our good faith and large scale economy was praised and tncsted by our domestic and foreign customers.Our team surmount self continually.We try our best to produce the first-rate products.We welcome our domestic and foreign customers appreciate their advice.Let us and our customers create the glorious future together.棗莊市嘉鑫箱包有限公司是一家運動、休閑的企業,是經國家相關部門批準注冊的企業。主營箱包、拉桿箱、ABS拉桿箱、EVA拉桿箱,公司位于中國山東棗莊市市中區棗莊經濟開發區長江三路8號。棗莊市嘉鑫箱包有限公司本著“客戶,誠信至上”的原則,與多家企業建立了長期的合作關系。熱誠歡迎各界朋友前來參觀、考察、洽談業務。