本公司主要生產細結構高純石墨系列產品,各種石墨模具制品。產品廣泛應用于半導體、冶金、有色金屬、家電、機械、模具、汽車、化工、石油、航天航空等工業領域。 公司產品技術含量高,產品主要技術指標達到了國際水平,部分高新產品。二十幾年來,產品全國,并出口德國、意大利、巴西、墨西哥等多個國家和地區。公司的系列產品可按用戶要求設計或來樣生產非標產品。 本公司熱忱歡迎國內外用戶及客商惠顧,考察并洽談業務。 This company products high pure graphite products and graphite moulds which are widely used for semi-conductor, metal, non-ferrous metal, household appliances, machinery, mold, automobile, petroleum, chemical and aviation and aerospace industries. This company incorporates advanced technology for production in accordance international technical standards and some products are new in China. Currently, products of this company are well sold in domestic market and exported to many countries of Germany, Italy, Brazil and Mexico.This company can also make nonstandard products according to the designs or samples by clients.Business inquiries are always welcome.產品種類: 冶金、有色金屬連續鑄造用途: 上引法生產無氧銅桿、銅管用石墨模,上引法生產異型銅材用石墨模,上引法生產無氧銅材生產設備用護套、內襯,銅材水平連鑄用涂層結晶器、石墨套,水平連鑄大規格銅排銅管銅桿用石墨模,銅材半連鑄用流槽、塞棒、底座、澆咀。 電火花加工用石墨電極, 機械用石墨產品:機械密封炭環、石墨軸承。 其他產品:燒烤盤、鋁材連鑄用石墨套、石墨滑條,金剛石制品燒結模具,單晶爐用加熱器、隔熱屏、干鍋、舟皿,石墨粒子、磷片石墨。Product categories:Metallurgial & Continuous Casting Application:Graphite moulds for copper Rods, copper tubes by upwards casting system; graphite moulds for special-shaped copper by upwards casting system; sheathes,linings for upwards casting equipments;coated graphite sleeves for copper tubes by horizontal continuous casting system; graphite chutes, runners, bases for copper by horizontal continuous casting system. Granphite Electrode For EDM Carbon-graphite Parts For Mechanical Application: For Mechanical Seals; bearings. Special Application:Cooking plate; graphite sleeves,diversion plates for continuous casting aluminum; sintering moulds for diamond; heaters, heat shields, crucibles, boats for monocrystalline silicon furnaces; granphite grains, granphite scale.
詳細資料 | |
公司名稱 | 青島益澎石墨制品有限公司 |
企業法人 | 耿仁欣 |
所在地 | 山東青島 |
企業類型 | 私營資企業 |
成立時間 | 2010-06-11 |
注冊資金 | 100萬人民幣 |
主營行業 | 帳篷 |
主營產品 | 帳篷,廣告帳篷等 |
主營地區 | 青島萊西市經濟開發區上海路北、常州路東 |
經營模式 | 或其他機構 |
經營范圍 | 一般經營項目石墨制品、滑石粉、金屬工藝品配件加工及銷售。。 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司郵編 | 266622 |
公司電話 | 18317166439 |
- 耿仁欣
- 山東
- 帳篷
- 帳篷,廣告帳篷等
- 青島萊西市經濟開發區上海路北、常州路東
- 耿仁欣
- 18317166439
- 青島益澎石墨制品有限公司
- 266622
- 青島萊西市經濟開發區上海路北、常州路東