公司經營及加工國內外簿板、工程板、臺面板、路沿板、景觀石等各種石材,自己擁有G682,G681,白金砂,漳浦黑,虎皮系列等礦山,我們以安全,質量,信譽的生產理念,經營本公司。本公司產的花崗巖石材:質地堅韌,外觀鮮亮,光澤多彩,耐酸堿,抗風化,不褐色,經放射性測試巖放射性量率低,屬符合國家標準:用范圍不受限制的產品,是建筑的理想裝飾材料。若你有石材這方面的需求,歡迎您隨時來電,我們將竭盡全力以的優勢為您提供更好的服務。 還因為其的廉價性,因此是室內,室外裝修的良好材料。主要用于外墻、臺面板、地面、樓梯、廣場、路沿石等。 主要經營:花崗巖:銹石682,蝦紅681,漳浦黑,白金砂 Semben Stone Coporation is located at the China`s biggest base for stone export and processing --- Xiamen. We privately own the quarries of G682,G681, Zhangpu Black and Tiger Skin Series, specilizing in the production of Cut-to-size, tiles, countertops, Kerbstone and landscape stone etc. Their features: high tenacity, beautiful appearance, bear the acid and alkali, weather resistance and low radioactive. Not limited the range of use, they are ideal building and decorative material of upscale buildings. Moreover, for their cheapness, they are good material for exterior & interior decoration. They are mainly in exterior wall, countertop, pavement, stair and kerbstone etc. 廈門生本進出口有限公司本著“客戶,誠信至上”的原則,與多家企業建立了長期的合作關系。熱誠歡迎各界朋友前來參觀、考察、洽談業務。