晉江聯昇橡塑磁材廠創建于2000年,位于泉州工業重鎮—安海,是一家生產橡塑磁性材料及其衍生產品的廠家。工廠在力保質量的前提下,大幅降低成本,使得產品價格相對低廉,相信可為貴公司在提高產品競爭力及產品利潤方面提供一定助力。現有兩個生產分廠——橡膠磁材廠和橡膠磁性制品廠1: 橡塑磁材廠:生產磁性橡膠卷材、片材,擠出磁條,鐵粉膠等.應用于冰箱,櫥柜門封,冰箱磁貼,寫字板磁章,磁性紗窗等產品。2: 磁性制品: 生產磁性冰箱貼、磁性書簽、磁性相框、磁性棋盤、磁性軟尺、磁性寫字板、磁性拼圖、磁性飛標、磁性滴膠、磁性相袋、磁性白板吸、磁性3D動畫等。應用于廣告禮品,贈品、工藝品、文具、玩具、教育用品等行業。我們立足求實與創新,注重質量和信譽,追求,以積極的姿態,不斷尋找新的機遇和挑戰,結識新的合作伙伴,與國內外朋友建立長久互利的合作關系,一道共同發展。 Jinjiang Liansheng Flexible Magnetic Material Company, established in 2000, is located at Anhai, a key industrial town in Quanzhou city. It is mainly engaged in the manufacturing of flexible magnetic material and its derivatives. The products of our company are divided into two groups: (1) flexible magnetic materials, including flexible magnetic sheets & rolls, extrusion magnetic strips, flexible iron powder sheet, etc., which are used in the products including door gasket of refrigerator or kitchen cabinet, refrigerator magnet, re-writable message board, magnetic window screen, etc. (2) magnetic craftworks: including refrigerator magnet, magnetic bookmark, magnetic white board, magnetic puzzles, magnetic darts, epoxy magnetic, magnetic photo bag, magnetic white board sticker, etc., which are used in the industries such as advertising gifts, stationeries, toys and so on. Based on practicality and innovation, we pay attention to quality and reputation and pursue the excellence. We keep on seeking the new opportunities and challenges with a positive attitude and look forward to meeting new partners so as to build long, mutually beneficial and cooperative relationship with friends both at home and abroad for a common development.
詳細資料 | |
公司名稱 | 晉江市安海鎮聯昇橡塑磁材廠 |
企業法人 | 顏小軍 |
所在地 | 福建泉州 |
企業類型 | 股份有限公司 |
成立時間 | 晉江市安海鎮聯昇橡塑磁材廠 |
注冊資金 | 無需驗資 |
主營行業 | 橡膠磁片 |
主營產品 | 橡膠磁片,橡膠磁條,鐵膠布,EVA磁貼,磁性3D動畫... |
主營地區 | 晉江市安海鎮前埔村侯厝工業區 |
經營模式 | 生產+貿易型 |
經營范圍 | 橡塑磁材生產。(以上經營范圍涉及許可經營項目的,應在取得有關部門的許可后方可經營) |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司郵編 | 362261 |
公司電話 | 0595-85065299 |
- 顏小軍
- 福建
- 橡膠磁片
- 橡膠磁片,橡膠磁條,鐵膠布,EVA磁貼,磁性3D動畫...
- 晉江市安海鎮前埔村侯厝工業區
- 顏小軍
- 晉江市安海鎮聯昇橡塑磁材廠
- 362261
- 晉江市安海鎮前埔村侯厝工業區