天津鑫源機械配件廠(普通合伙)是國內喉箍生產廠家, 我廠產品以的質量和低廉的價格而全國各地市,為國內汽拖行業千余廠家的產品配套,產品歐、美、東南亞、南非等地。 我廠現已建成擁有一支年輕向上高素質的管理、科研團隊,的開發、生產、檢測設備,完善的管理體制和年生產各式(英式、德式、雙鋼絲、大小美式、強力、管束總成等系列)喉箍8000萬只的生產能力的企業。 近年來,為滿足用戶的不同需要,產品正在向系列化、多原化發展,產品不斷更新,我廠生產的各式環球牌喉箍、卡箍以的質量、的服務為客戶創造滿意的平臺。 產品特點:環球牌喉箍(膠管卡子)系列選用鋼材制成,制造工藝精良,成品經過嚴格檢驗,安全可靠防銹力和緊固力強,。 產品用途:主要用於飛機、建筑、汽車、拖拉機、汽油機、柴油機、噴灌機等各種機械設備上的油、汽、液膠秘的接口處,系各類膠管接口緊固之機接配件。Introduction to Enterprise This factary is opeclalized in producing thread hoops in china. Its products have been sold in 28 provducts throughout china.so as to help more than one hundred domestic enterprises of motor car. truck and tractor industry to make complest ssts of products .And part of its products have been sold abroad nrough economic and foreign nade departments. In recent years to meet the different requirements of the users, the products are being developed in the orientanon of serialization and pluralizattion, And an the orlglnal bases, the factory again worked out such new products as steel wire serial hoops and stainless steel throut hoops. The designs of the products are rational are their quality reliable. Therefore you are welcome to select its products for use.