徽愛派特玩具有限公司成立于2006年,主營范圍有玩具、服裝、箱包、家紡用品、寵物用品、寵物食品的開發、生產、銷售。愛派特玩具是一個年輕而充滿活力的工廠,生產和銷售狗,貓和小動物的寵物玩具及配件。我們擁有15年的狗咬膠和毛絨玩具的外貿經驗,我們會為客戶提供好的質量和有競爭力的價格。 每個月我們的設計團隊都開發了許多新玩具,時刻關注客戶的需求。我們的原則是具競爭力的服務和長期合作。 AIPET TOY is a young and dynamic factory that makes and sells pet toys and accessories for dogs,cats and small animals. We enjoy 15 years experiences of handling Rawhide & Plush toys and always try our best to a serve our customers with the best quality and most competitive price. Our design team are developing many new toys every month and always pay attention to the requirements of our customers. Our principle is the most competitive service and long term cooperation.