本廠生產:紀念幣、紀念章、金幣、銀幣、純銀紀念幣、純銀紀念章、紀念銀盤、徽章、純銀徽章、景泰藍徽章、琺瑯徽章、烤漆徽章、烤漆滴膠徽章、貼紙滴塑徽章、金屬徽章、爛板腐蝕徽章、校徽、帽徽、胸徽、胸章、胸針、胸牌、保安帽徽、肩章、臂章、獎章、、獎牌、金銀銅牌、運動會獎牌、奧運章、亞運章、奧運牌、銘牌、標牌、證章、鑰匙扣代幣、領帶夾、袖扣、金屬商標、金屬吊牌、純銀工藝品、金屬工藝品、紀念品、佛教工藝品、金屬禮品、游戲幣、古錢幣、大獎章、籌碼、硬幣、金屬代幣... 我們提供從產品設計,開發,制造到銷售的整體解決方案。經過多年的努力和發展,已成為溫州有實力的生產廠家。 目前,我們擁有一系列的工藝和設備,包括繪圖、設計、制模、沖壓、液壓、壓鑄、移印(6色移印)、拋光、電鍍、點漆、琺瑯、滴塑、包裝。同時,我們對于客戶的需求也有一個更全面的了解。 我們專心致力于提供,可靠,值產品,為你的財富增值而努力。Ping Yang Hua Chuang Arts & Crafts Factory is committed to professional production of badges, commemorative coins, medals,exquisite keychain,and other business gifts and promotional crafts. We provide total solution from product design, development, manufacture and sale. After years of efforts and development, it has become the most powerful manufacturers in Wenzhou Our factory is located in Pingyang County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China. It was started in 1992, as a family-style business model. With the expansion of market demands and its own development needs, the factory was officially registered as “Hua Chuang Arts & Crafts Factory” on April 27, 2010.At present, we have a series of advanced technology and equipment including drawing, design, molding, stamping, hydraulic, die-casting, pad printing(Six-color pad printing), polishing, plating, paint, dripping,packaging. We also have a better comprehensive understanding of customers’ needsWe are dedicated in delivering high quality, reliable and cost effective products and value added services, as well as striving for utmost benefits and satisfaction to our customers.Please believe that “Hua Chuang” will create more value for you. Welcome to contact us. We will give you the best service.