溫州市泰星皮革制品有限公司,坐落在的美麗濱海城市--溫州,緊挨著溫州經濟開發區區,地理位置,交通十分便捷.本產生產女式皮帶.皮帶.時裝帶,錢包,女式手袋等皮具產品.企業創辦至今得到國內外同行的大力支持。 本企業具有十多年的皮具生產和開發經驗,自有廠房面積5000多平方米,熟練工人300余人,技術力量雄厚,生產設備精良,制作工藝,具備完善的質量管理體系.本企業堅持誠信為本,質量至上的辦廠宗旨,打版準確及時,成品經過多道工序檢驗,交貨穩定可靠.并提供國內品牌貼牌加工.團購.批發.定做等服務,產品日本.美洲.歐洲.中東.及東南亞地區。 “信譽至上,誠信為本,質量”,泰星以實力拓展市場,以服務贏得客戶,真誠期待與您商海逐浪,共創偉業。 Wenzhou Kingstar Leather product co., ltd is located the beautiful coastal city--Wenzhou,It""s in immediate proximity to wenzhou economic and technical development zone.A favourable geographical position and very convenient traffic.we have production belts for Ladies, real leather belts,fashion belts,purses and handbags etc. leather products.with the vigorous support from Many domestic and foreign Two of a trade companies since the compration founded. Our compration has more than ten years experience of leather manufacture and empolder.Our compration is covered 5, 000 square meters.and has 300 skilled workers,the technique power is strong and well equipped ,adopt advanced production techniques,perfect management system.