浙江省永康市威特機械廠生產油桶泵,有威特牌手搖油桶泵(手搖油泵)、手壓油桶泵(手壓油泵)、手拉油桶泵(手拉油泵)等三大系列數十款產品。威特牌手搖油桶泵、手壓油桶泵、手拉油桶泵是在吸取國內外同類產品精華的基礎上,經全面改進而制成的,具有使用壽命長、抽油速度快、抽油省力方便等多種優點,在國內外市場上享有較高的度。 本廠生產能力強,具有強大的科研能力,能立設計開發各種油桶泵。產品除全國各地,還出口到北美、東南亞、中歐等世界各地。本廠還可根據客戶需要定制各種手搖油桶泵(手搖油泵)、手壓油桶泵(手壓油泵)、手拉油桶泵(手拉油泵),歡迎廣大客戶來圖來樣定制。歡迎更多的新老客戶來電來人洽談業務!Yongkang city whit machinery factory specializing in the production of oil pump, whit card hand oil pump (hand pump), hand pressure oil pump (hand pressure oil pump), the hand in oil pump (hand pump), the three big series dozens of product. Whit card hand oil pump, hand pump, oil pressure hand oil pump is absorbs the domestic and foreign similar products on the basis of the essence, the comprehensive improvement of made, with long service life, pumping speed, sucker effort is convenient wait for a DuoZhong advantages, in the domestic and overseas markets have higher visibility.This factory production ability, has the formidable scientific research ability, can the independent design and development of oil pump. Products are sold well all over the country, except also exported to North America, southeast Asia, central Europe, the rest of the world. Our factory can also according to customer need to customize various hand oil pump (hand pump), hand pressure oil pump (hand pressure oil pump), the hand in oil pump (hand pump), welcome all the clients to map to sample customization. Welcome more of the old and new customers to come to negotiate business!
詳細資料 | |
公司名稱 | 永康市威特機械廠 |
企業法人 | 施佐鑫磊 |
所在地 | 浙江金華 |
企業類型 | 私營資企業 |
成立時間 | 2006年08月24日 |
注冊資金 | 無需驗資 |
主營行業 | 手搖 |
主營產品 | 手搖,手搖油桶泵,手壓油桶泵,手拉油桶泵,虹吸管,油... |
主營地區 | 浙江省永康市唐先鎮三村下洋山 |
經營模式 | 或其他機構 |
經營范圍 | 五金機械配件(不含汽車、摩托車發動機)、手搖油泵、五金工具、日用五金制品(不含計量器具)制造、加工;注塑加工 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司郵編 | 321314 |
公司電話 | 0579-87503829 |
- 施佐鑫磊
- 浙江
- 手搖
- 手搖,手搖油桶泵,手壓油桶泵,手拉油桶泵,虹吸管,油...
- 浙江省永康市唐先鎮三村下洋山
- 施佐鑫磊
- 13819901890
- 永康市威特機械廠
- 321314
- 浙江省永康市唐先鎮三村下洋山