司簡介我廠成立于2007年,主要生產床上用品,如絎縫水洗被、靠墊、枕頭、窗簾等等。我廠產品花色品種,價格適中,深受國內外客戶喜愛,產品美國、英國、韓國、日本、澳大利亞等國。我司以良好的信譽和優良的品質與多家公司建立了長期合作關系,歡迎國內外客戶到我廠參觀洽談。Brief IntroductionOur factory was established in 2007. Major products are bedding , such as quilts,chusions,pillows and curtains.Our products are in different colours and types, the price is very competitve. The products are exported to U.S.A, UK, Korea, Japan, and Austrialia, they are all top sales.We have built long-term relataionship with many companies because of the high qualitied products and our best credit.Welcome to visit our factory.浦江溫馨家紡工藝廠浦江縣巖頭鎮巖三村電話: 傳真: email [email protected]