梵斯尼迪主營的:純實木復合地板、強化木地板、純實木地板、進口純實木踢腳線等木制品。生產的各類木制品,05年已通過國際國內的各項嚴格認證,產品出口至:北美、歐洲、東南亞等30多個國家及地區,深受國內外客戶的追捧與喜愛!為了讓廣大消費者直接感受到大的實惠,我們成立了 “出口轉內銷體驗平臺”。以“出口轉內銷”的方式讓廣大買家以實惠的價格購到木制品是我們的奮斗目標!Vaicenedy main high quality: pure solid wood flooring, laminate flooring, solid wood flooring, solid wood baseboard imports and other wood products.Production of various types of wood products, 2005 has passed the strict international and domestic certification, the products exported to: North America, Europe, Southeast Asia more than 30 countries and regions, deeply domestic and foreign customers sought after and loved!In order for consumers to directly feel the greatest benefits, we set up a special ""export to domestic sales experience platform."" To ""export to the domestic"" way to make the majority of buyers to purchase an affordable price is a high-grade wood products our goal!