Hangzhou guangrun craft product Co.,Ltd is a professional team with more than six years experience in Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) field located in China. We working on design, development and manufacture of EAS System, designed to help retailer anti-theft in their stores. Our company is a professional manufacturer and supplier of article antenna sheets.We are leading company in fields of EAS. We hopes to provide a full range of products and services with high quality and comparative price for our customers based on honest and sincere cooperation, by the principle of resource sharing. 杭州廣潤工藝制品有限公司是一家集研發、生產和銷售于一體綜合的現代化高科技企業。公司以誠信求生存,以質量求發展,行業,追求。生產各類亞克力、有機玻璃制品、有機玻璃展貨架、貨柜、標牌,酒店用的亞克力制品、商場用鞋柜、化妝品柜、學校實驗室用有機玻璃加工、有機玻璃風洞、機器面罩、講臺以及各種有機防盜天線,各類水晶防盜天線支架等。公司自成立以來積累了豐富的經驗,引進、培養了各類技術人才,以精良的產品和的服務,贏得了廣大用戶的認可及各地經銷商的贊許。歡迎各地渠道商前來咨詢。