杭州五順織造有限公司創辦于199 9年,本公司是一家從事高支凈紡羊絨、羊毛、真絲系列制品生產的企業。其生產的高支精紡大提花、剪花、印花、素色羊絨披肩、圍巾、絲光防縮大提花、剪花、印花、素色羊毛披肩圍巾,以其輕薄飄逸、柔軟光滑、色彩華麗、品種多、花樣全、用料講究等特點,以其不斷創新技術,過硬的產品質量,滿足您高品味、高享受的追求,博得國際國內客戶青睞。產品大部分出口歐美、日韓、中東、港澳臺等國家和地區。 公司本著始終如一、堅守信用、奉行貨真價實的原則、客戶的滿意是我們高的追求。我公司將提供的技術,將無償為你開發的產品、優惠的價格、優良地服務給全球客戶。熱誠歡迎國內外客戶前來恰談、攜手合作。 The company establish at 1999, it is a enterprise that engaged in high to prop up net to spin cashmeres, wools, pure silk series of professional enterprise who goods produceses. It produce specialities last spinning heavy brocade, Cut flower, print stamp, plain color cashmere scarf, muffler, silky luster of mercerized cotton fabrics shrinkproof high accuracy heavy brocadeses, cut spend, print stamp, plain color wool scarf mufflers s, At its frivolous elegant, soft smooth, color magnificents . At its innovative technologies constantly, really up to the mark product quality satisfy you high taste, high pursuits that enjoys, Win international and domestic customers to favor. The products are exported to the countries and regions, such as America and Europe, Japan and Korea S., Middle East, Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan,etc. With standing fast at credit, follow , customer is our most high pursuit genuine goods at a fair price principle, consistently. Our company offer most advanced technology and free to develop most high quality products, most favorable price, serve to the global customer fine most for you. Welcome the domestic and international customer to just discuss and cooperate warm and sincerely
詳細資料 | |
公司名稱 | 杭州五順織造有限公司 |
企業法人 | 沈金城 |
所在地 | 浙江杭州 |
企業類型 | 私營資企業 |
成立時間 | 1999-07-26 |
注冊資金 | 50萬人民幣 |
主營行業 | 絲織品制造 |
主營產品 | 絲織品制造,加工,銷售,銷售:床上用品,裝飾品 |
主營地區 | 杭州余杭區臨平街道龍安社區 |
經營模式 | 或其他機構 |
經營范圍 | 一般經營項目:絲織品制造、加工、銷售;銷售:床上用品、裝飾品。 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司郵編 | 311199 |
公司電話 | 0571-86251665 |
- 沈金城
- 浙江
- 絲織品制造
- 絲織品制造,加工,銷售,銷售:床上用品,裝飾品
- 杭州余杭區臨平街道龍安社區
- 沈金城
- 13968088597
- 杭州五順織造有限公司
- 311199
- 杭州余杭區臨平街道龍安社區