莞市東鑄五金電子制品有限公司是一家集生產﹑銷售為一體的企業,生產及銷售各種五金及機電產品。主要產品有手機螺母,螺絲各種車床五金;合頁,鉸鏈,插銷各種沖壓五金,各種家具五金等。 本司秉承“質量、客戶至上、互利雙贏”的經營宗旨及“急客戶所急、需客戶所需”的經營理念,長期執行“薄利多銷、共同發展、誠信經商、服務”的原則,竭誠為配套廠家服務,為客戶的需求、利益、發展著想,按客戶需求生產,為客戶提供可信賴的產品。我們的經營理念是:經商做人,誠信為本!你的需求就是我們的承諾,我們隨時恭候您的垂詢并期待與您共創輝煌!Tallkey Metal and Electron Co., Ltd. is a leading manufacturer & exporter of Hardware & Home Appliances products. Our major products including Nuts, Hinges, Metal stamping accessories etc. Our products are exported to all over the world.Tallkey is dedicated to meet our customer needs in order to serve their consumers better and therefore to create a better future for our customers. We hope to develop a long and mutually beneficial cooperation with all customers abroad based on the quality control and credit. We are a qualified partner for your OEM/ODM orders; we sincerely welcome any foreign customers to cooperate with us to mutually develop the product and cover markets.