東莞市三和興業電子科技有限公司是臺灣SANHE多年專業生產.研發.銷售光電傳感器的高科技人士在大陸投資之企業。 在臺灣SANHE工廠不惜重資引進精密的生產設備.儀器.禮聘高級工程人才投入研發,在生產程序方面采用全自動化SMT取置機生產,並經過全檢預測後到生產線上使用精密冶具組裝.灌膠充填,測試後到QC部門全檢。臺灣SANHE品牌產品有:安全光幕.區域光柵.光電保護裝置.接近開關.光電開關.光纖線.光纖放大器.數顯光纖放大器.槽型傳感器.微型U型光電傳感器等工控產品。 廣泛應用於工業自動化領域,各種機械設備及自動化流水線,發揮自動檢測.計數.測試.保護以及限位和位置控制作用,尤其是高科技的數控機床機電壹體化設備。本公司全面實行lSO9000質量管理,生產流程也通過嚴格執行lSO9001:2008質量管理體系認證及全系列CE認證。質量第壹.客戶至上.技術創新.是我們始終堅持的原則,為客戶提供優質的產品和售後服務。 以高質量的產品與合理的價格銷往全國各地,並遠銷東南亞.歐美.中東等市場,深受廣大客戶的信賴。 誠摯希望能夠成為您的理想合作夥伴. Punching machine protector is a safty device for operators of punching machines. Installing this device into the punching machines can prevent accidents in the operation of punching. this product experienced technical appearance changing and aboundant technical improvements. Lts adaptability and reliability have greatly improved. All the technical indexes have reached the first-class level in china. There are 4 types of HK-serie punch safty protectors (HK-X1 HK-D1 HK-D2 HK-MF),and 36 specifications to offer salty protection tothe operators of various types and standards of pnches, shearing machines, hydrau-lic machines, plastic injection moulding machines, aluminithermic diecasting machines, and bronzing machines etc. Our aim is "Taking quality as our life, pursueing development through advanced science and technology,and achieveing benefits from efficent management". We will sincerely offer you with the best products and service. Welcome to your cooperation. Sanhe will be your best partner.