莞匯聯家具五金是一家集生產、銷售家具配件為一體的性企業。本企業以的工藝和現代化的生產技術造就出時尚的產品。自2002年創辦以來,承蒙廣大客戶的支持和信賴,目前我公司的產品已全國各地。 踏入二十一世紀,科技發展日新月異,興盛發人始終秉承“精求益精,開拓進取,不斷創新“的經營理念,用的品質造就輝煌,以恒久的承諾追求,竭誠與各界同仁攜手共創未來。 歡迎新老客戶來圖來樣訂做,你們的滿意是我們的永遠追求.Dongguan Huilian Furniture Hardware Company is a specialized unit integrated production with sale of the furniture accessories. We produce high quality fashion products with the exquisite artwork and the modernized production skills. Thanks for the support and reliance of our customers since we have established in 2002,Now our goods are selled in all parts of the world. In the science highly developed 21st century, we adhere to “Pursue high quality. Improve and Innovate continuously “management principle to create our good fame among customers, we sincerely hope customers all over the world to work with us for long-term cooperation. You are welcomed to give samples and place orders.It can be customized to fit your size and type. We promise your satisfaction is our permanent pursuit.