狄姆斯創建于1994年,公司位于廣東經濟重鎮——佛山。是一家從事樓梯、欄桿及相關配件研究、開發、生產、銷售的建筑五金制品企業。產品款式清新、簡潔、系統;工藝、品種、規格。并可根據不同的需求加工定制。 公司以雄厚的經濟實力為基礎,引進國外生產設備和生產工藝,擁有經驗豐富的高素質技術人員,產品出口100多個國家和地區。
Demose Stairs Manufactory, located in Foshan, a significant economic region in China,was established in 1994.Having passed ISO9001-2000 system, Demose is a hardware enterprise specialized in developing, producing and selling staircases railing, and related accessaries, exporting to more than 100 countries and regions. Products supplied by Demose are of high quality, and have a complete range of specification. Various styles are available as well, simple and charming.With great capital strength, Demose is able to bring in advanced equipment, employ professional technicians.
Apart from providing high quality construction hardware, Demose also develops its own culture to improve competitive power and to establish a good social reputation.
Consistently we adhere to the principle“Quality and Customer Come First”.Based on this principle. Your choosing Demose shows your confidence in us, and your satisfaction will be our best support.
公司網址: http://www.demose.cn