SCOLA 意大利斯克拉巖板,是集生產和銷售陶瓷巖板為一體,提供意大利設計與生活靈感的國際家居建材品牌。SCOLA主營巖板規格包括:150×300cm, 160×320cm, 120×270cm, 120×260cm, 120×240cm, 100×300cm, 150×150cm等。
SCOLA brand, founded in Italy, is an international home building materials brand that integrates the production and sales of sintered stone (porcelain slab) and provides high-end Italian design and life inspiration. SCOLA sintered stone main sizes include: 150×300cm, 160×320cm, 120×270cm, 120×260cm, 120×240cm, 100×300cm, 150×150cm, etc.