佛山市南海優冠腳輪有限公司是工業腳輪的制造商。自開廠以來,不斷開發,積極研究創新,精心打造出的腳輪產品。我廠采用的生產設備,完善的管理體系,高新的科技,好的材料,保障了產品的品質和性能。本廠所生產的腳輪品種,款式靈活多樣,外型美觀大方,,在不同的場合具有耐磨,抗沖擊,抗化學品腐蝕,耐高低溫,行使無輪印,保護地板,噪音小等性能。我廠生產的產品廣泛用于各行業,產品的質量和產量居同行業地位,產品國內外市場,得到了廣大用戶的好評與贊美。我們將竭誠為您服務,攜手創造美好未來......Foshan Ucrown Caster Co. Ltd is manufacturer for caster wheels since 2012. From our modest beginnings as a manufacturer of casters, UCROWN has expanded into all other lines of the caster wheels which are welcome by logistics and hospitality ndustry with corrosion resistance, shock resisitance, wearable, thermostability, protection of the floor, low noice and so on. Today, our business activities range from the design, manufacture, export, contract, retail and distribution of caster wheels. UCROWN became to be a brand name for qality and good value caster wheels.