深圳市龍崗區龍崗俊業服裝配件廠,位于深圳龍崗,交通便利;俊業從事熱轉印行業十余載,擁有近百名員工和十幾名技術骨干,具有豐富的生產經驗,并不斷致力于新產品開發和工藝創新,累積點滴改進,邁向品質。目前,俊業燙畫種類、效果逼真、質量穩定,植絨燙畫更是手感細膩、色彩艷麗,可通過歐美環保測試和高強度的洗水測試,在業界受到一致好評。俊業始終堅持誠信為本的服務理念、不斷創新的發展理念和質量的經營理念,以品質留住顧客。 我們生產轉印植絨紙、轉印單色植毛燙畫、轉印多(套)色植毛燙畫,柯式、絲印、升華、反光、洗水標、燙金膜、玻璃珠、金蔥粉、平面加植毛加金蔥粉等燙畫,并兼營熱轉移印花材料;產品主要用于服裝、鞋帽、無紡布產品、內衣褲、玩具等產品上的熱轉移印花。因燙畫本身所具有的特點再結合我們的精細工藝,一定會讓您產品附加值倍增。我們真誠地希望與廣大新老客戶合作,共同發展!This company is a professional production of a heat transfer-based transfer. It has strong technical force, advanced production equipment and strict quality management system, can ensure the reliable quality products, superior, using the import environmental protection material, heat transfer printing easy, washing solid good, colorful, soft to the touch , elastic, abrasion, and environmental protection non-toxic, formaldehyde-free, in line with international standards related to testing. The main products have various types of high-elastic washing mark, swimsuit heat transfer, heat transfer logo Sports exclusive, hair Heat Transfer, Offset Heat Transfer, Sublimation Heat Transfer, Heat Transfer reflective luminous, flashing green onions Heat Transfer, gold and silver foil heat transfer, laser heat transfer, leather heat transfer, T shirt Heat Transfer, Heat Transfer convex pulp, plastic heat transfer, heat transfer tattoo, pressure-sensitive heat transfer, water transfer printing and a variety of heat transfer machine Heat Transfer Printing, dye-sublimation digital transfer printing, hot drilling schedule map, such as laser cutting. Applied to clothing, toys, shoes and hats, sports protective gear, bags handbags, leather products, ceramics, glass, wood products, plastics, handicrafts and other industries.
詳細資料 | |
公司名稱 | 深圳市龍崗區龍崗俊業服裝配件廠 |
企業法人 | 張素香 |
所在地 | 廣東深圳 |
企業類型 | 私營資企業 |
成立時間 | 2004年07月19日 |
注冊資金 | 無需驗資 |
主營行業 | 植絨PET膠片 |
主營產品 | 植絨PET膠片,彩色植絨燙畫,植絨膠漿,PET普通燙... |
主營地區 | 深圳市龍崗區龍崗街道南聯社區向前村向銀路34號2棟4層 |
經營模式 | 生產型 |
經營范圍 | 衣服燙畫、燙鉆、玻璃珠(不含限制項目) |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司郵編 | 518116 |
公司電話 | 0755-89758042 |
- 張素香
- 廣東
- 植絨PET膠片
- 植絨PET膠片,彩色植絨燙畫,植絨膠漿,PET普通燙...
- 深圳市龍崗區龍崗街道南聯社區向前村向銀路34號2棟4層
- 張素香
- 13590358913
- 深圳市龍崗區龍崗俊業服裝配件廠
- 518116
- 深圳市龍崗區龍崗街道南聯社區向前村向銀路34號2棟4層