深圳市森斯特電子有限公司位于中國深圳,是一家從事傳感器、變送器設計、開發、銷售的高科技企業,為國內外廣大用戶提供具性價比的高、中檔自動化產品。在機械,制冷、電力、石油、衛生、環保、水處理、冶金、食品加工、暖通空調等領域大量應用。主要產品為:PT100鉑電阻溫度傳感器,?PT1000?鉑電阻溫度傳感器,?K,J,T,S,E?型熱電偶溫度傳感器,?NTC?熱敏電阻溫度傳感器,?DS18B20數字溫度傳感器,溫度變送器,?溫控儀,?以及各式溫度傳感器封裝配件:德國進口UST/賀利氏(Heraeus)PT100/PT1000鉑電阻元件,304,316L不銹鋼保護管,?螺紋螺母,?感溫線纜。公司產品具有工藝、技術成熟、性能可靠、穩定性好,精度高、壽命長、等特點?,性能指標達到國外同類產品技術標準,可替代進口產品。??需要詢價定制的客戶請聯系奚小姐::2137683464??電話:。公司網址:www.senstersz.comShenzhen Senster Electronics Co. Ltd is specializing in manufacturing an extensive variety of state-of-the-art RTD(Resistance Temperature Detectors) probes as well as Type K,J,T,E,S thermocouples, NTC thermistors and assemblies. Our products are used in industries ranging from automotive, consumer electronics, food handling and processing to medical electronics, medical, building automation,test&measurement,wind power. Customers worldwide use our temperature sensors in their most demanding temperature sensing applications.We also provide Germany UST/Heraeus PT?components such as PT100A, PT100B, PT100 1/3B, PT1000A,PT1000B,PT200,PT20, PT500.All of our products are known for their consistent high reliability, cost effectiveness and durability. We are continually examining and improving our engineering, production and service operations to meet constantly changing customer requirements. And we offer the most impressive lead times in the industryWe can help you develop, and then manufacture products that works with your product. What you need to do is provide a sample, a drawing, even an idea , then we can provide you the products that you exactly need.?
詳細資料 | |
公司名稱 | 深圳市森斯特電子有限公司 |
企業法人 | 奚艷輝 |
所在地 | 廣東深圳 |
企業類型 | 個體經營 |
成立時間 | 深圳市森斯特電子有限公司 |
注冊資金 | 人民幣30.00萬 |
主營行業 | 溫度傳感器 |
主營產品 | 溫度傳感器,PT100,PT1000鉑電阻,導線 |
主營地區 | 深圳市龍崗區坂田街道荔園新村109棟904 |
經營模式 | 或其他機構 |
經營范圍 | 鉑電阻溫度傳感器、熱電偶、DS18B20溫度傳感器、PT100鉑電阻、PT1000鉑電阻、工業儀表溫度配件、溫度變送器、溫控儀、溫度傳感器的研發與銷售;電子產品及其周邊配件的研發與銷售;國內貿易;經營電子商務;經營進出口業務。^ |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司郵編 | 518000 |
公司電話 | 0755-0755-32827470 |
- 奚艷輝
- 廣東
- 溫度傳感器
- 溫度傳感器,PT100,PT1000鉑電阻,導線
- 深圳市龍崗區坂田街道荔園新村109棟904
- 奚艷輝
- 15112542870
- 深圳市森斯特電子有限公司
- 518000
- 深圳市龍崗區坂田街道荔園新村109棟904