熱情、專注、、負責的精神一直伴隨著國泰服裝輔料有限公司走過了十多年的風風雨雨。十多年的艱辛拼搏,國泰實力創造價值。國泰服裝輔料勇于突破傳統的經營方式,從創新的視覺看待事物,以創新的思維指導開發,用創新的方法解決問題,憑創新的機制保障經營。公司的執著,得到了海內外新老客戶的一致好評! 國泰服裝輔料開設了如下幾個部門: 一、拉鏈部。大量生產3#4#金屬拉鏈二、包裝彩印部。商標設計、薄膜印刷PO、PE、OPP、PVC、PP膠袋,吊牌、吊粒、織嘜、洗水嘜、皮牌、紙袋等三、線帶部。大量生產40支紗20支紗滌綸線,適用于服裝、制鞋、手袋四、門市部。經營各種服裝五金、紐扣、花邊、橡皮筋、紙皮、嘜架紙、、、、、、. 在激烈的市場競爭中,我們始終堅持創新、發展、團結、求實的企業精神,并不斷提升水平,為客戶提供更滿意的服務! 我們的使命和宗旨:顧客高度滿意、輔料事業平衡發展、從業人員自我價值實現!Enthusiasm, dedication, efficiency, responsibility has been accompanied by Cathay Pacific Clothing Accessories Co., Ltd. through the ups and downs of more than a decade. More than a decade of hard work, create value Cathay strength. Cathay Pacific garment accessories the courage to break with the traditional mode of operation, from the innovative vision of looking at things in order to guide the development of innovative thinking, with innovative ways to solve the problem, with innovative mechanisms to protect operators. The company""s dedication, the new and old customers at home and abroad received the same!Garment accessories Cathay Pacific has opened a number of departments are as follows:一. the Department zipper. Mass production of 3 # 4 # metal zipper 二. the Ministry of packaging printing. Trademark design, film printing PO, PE, OPP, PVC, PP plastic bags, tags, suspended particle, woven mark, washing mark, paper card, paper, etc. 三.line with the Department. 40 mass-produced yarn polyester yarn line 20, applied to clothing, footwear, handbags 四. marketing department. Operating a variety of clothing hardware, buttons, lace, rubber band and paper, paper planes Mark ,,,,,,