MeiManJia Bamboo&Wood Products Factory was founded in 1993, located in the beautiful LongMen County of GuangDong,CHINA. It is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various kinds of disposal products in China, and has rich experience in exporting for worldwide cooperation. We mainly manufacture and export the Toothpicks and Cotton buds ,Bamboo sticker products, there are Chopsticks, Icecream sticks, Ice cream spoons, coffee stirrers, many kinds. All above products have been exported to 30 countries all over the world. With modernizing equipment, reasonable price, scientific manufacture management, good service, we have established long term steady business cooperation with foreign customers and enjoy very high reputation. We also welcome the inquiry and business cooperation from all overseas buyers who are interested in our products. Sincerely hope to be your good friends and business partner.廣東省美滿家竹木制品廠--從1993年建廠,十多年來一直是一家以生產竹木牙簽/棉簽/竹簽/,竹木鏟木勺,筷子、竹木工藝制品等家居中用品為主的竹木制品制造商。 本工廠地址位于南昆山腳下,地理位置,資源充足,交通方便,公司占地面積1000余平方米,技術力量雄厚,工藝。分工廠主要生產:竹制品。主要生產竹牙簽(兩頭尖)、竹簽、餐簽、花簽(一頭花,一頭尖)的規格簽、樺木木牙簽、并可根據用戶要求接受特殊定單的來料加工,產品國內外,承接OEM貼牌,生產加工,出口訂單。跟國內多家的家居用品牌等等也建立有長期的合作友好關系!第二分工廠主要生產:木工藝制品。生產車間配備:有裁板鋸、壓刨、平刨等等木工機械,有封閉無塵的噴漆(烤漆)車間,可根據客戶提供的圖片或是構想,生產各式各樣的工木制品!用途于家居工藝品中,在國內外享有良好的聲譽。產品:馬來西亞、菲律賓、韓國、歐盟、北美、中東等國家和地區。 本工廠以多品種經營特色和薄利多銷的原則,贏得了廣大客戶的信任,秉承“顧客至上,銳意進取”的經營理念,堅持“客戶”的原則為廣大客戶提供的服務。歡迎廣大客戶惠顧!廣州公司地址:廣州市番禺大石南方沙溪五金酒店用品城15街16號電話:+86 ,聯系人:張先生 PH: 盧小姐::772598388 ,:189808838工廠地址:廣東省龍門縣龍潭鎮鐵崗南坑松百朗工業區電話/傳真: