芳芝 道具是標簽、包裝、珠寶道具、珠寶電子稱、標簽機、首飾托盤、擺件、各種首飾袋等產品生產加工的私營資企業,公司總部設在廣州荔灣區華林國際二樓B2115,全新展廳設于藍港國際4樓45檔,工廠位于廣州芳村龍溪大道工業區,儷人珠寶道具擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系。儷人珠寶道具的誠信、實力和產品質量獲得業界的認可,“以質量求生存,以信譽求發展”是我們始終不渝的宗旨,歡迎各界朋友蒞臨儷人珠寶道具參觀、指導和業務洽談,來圖來樣定做,承接國內外訂單Tao Fangzhi jewelry label,package, electronic scale, barcode printer, jewelry trays, ornaments, all kinds of bags of jewelry products such as professional production and processing of private enterprise, the head company is inB2115 Hua Lin international jewelry city kangwang road Guangzhou. the two branch of building A District 2019 archives, Liwan square -1 floor of negativere GA67-2, factories located in Guangzhou Fangcun dragon Creek Industrial Park Avenue, ladies jewelry props has a complete, scientific quality management system. Ladies jewelry props integrity, strength and quality of products recognized by the industry,"" to the quality of survival, to the credibility of development"" is that we always persist firmly in purpose, welcome friends from all circles to visit people jewelry props to visit, guidance and business negotiations, to plans to OEM, to undertake domestic and international order.