奇域緯誠簡介: 奇域緯誠(簡稱:MGKD)----3C周邊配件品牌運營商公司伊始,就以“快時尚”的產品設計定位和秉承“自主創新、追求差異”的理念運營著NIL、張小盒,智果等品牌,為消費者提供著年輕、時尚、潮流的周邊保護類產品。我們是全球蘭博基尼品牌數碼配件銷售運營商,為的商務客戶打造周邊配件。同時我們也是中國設計聯盟、創意聯盟的倡導者,為眾多的設計師和原創動漫品牌,構建出了創意、個性的潮流平臺,讓他們的設計變成客戶喜愛的產品。在國內,MGKD旗下品牌已經和3000多家通訊終端連鎖店達成了合作,銷售網點覆蓋了全國各地;在海外,MGKD已經把產品銷往歐美十幾個國家,深受國外用戶追捧;在線上,MGKD旗下的運營“搗旦國度”網絡品牌,已是淘寶天貓上的3D彩雕保護殼;在未來,MGKD將會聯合更多國內運營商、手機品牌商,形成合作伙伴聯盟,創造出豐富的產品,來滿足不同層次消費者需求。為成為全球3C周邊配件品牌運營商而努力!About usGuangzhou Magic Kingdom Trading LTD (MGKD), 3C accessories brand operator.Guangzhou Magic Kingdom Trading LTD (MGKD), Is a professional manufacturer of Smartphone accessories.Our company was established in 2010. In our prime, we have been positioning for “fast fashion” to our product design and inherit the idea of” Self-innovation, Pursuing discrepancy” to management these famous brand as: NIL, Zhang box, Zeeguo, etc. And provide the young, fashion, tide accessories of the protect products for customers. We are Lamborghini’s digital accessories global sale operators, create the luxury boutique accessories to our high-end business customers, at the same time, we are the pioneer of design and originality union in China, and structure the creative and personality platform for many top designer and excellence original cartoon brand to make their design become customers favorite products. At home, MGKD’s brand had been cooperation with more than 3000 Communication terminal chain stores, Sales across the country;Abroad, MGKD products sold abroad, especially Occident, are very popular with customers;On line, MGKD network brand “DRODAN”, is the leading brand of 3D color carven cases in Taobao and Tmall.Future, MGKD will united more Domestic operators, mobile phone brands, form a partnership to create more various product, to meet the different consumption levels customer’s needed.Efforts to become the world’s famous 3C accessories brand operator.
詳細資料 | |
公司名稱 | 廣州奇域緯誠商貿有限公司 |
企業法人 | 郭偉寧 |
所在地 | 廣東廣州 |
企業類型 | 私營股份有限公司 |
成立時間 | 2011-09-13 |
注冊資金 | 50 萬元萬人民幣 |
主營行業 | GAST旋片式真空泵 |
主營產品 | GAST旋片式真空泵,0523- |
主營地區 | 廣州市海珠區蠔殼洲東街11號自編1號樓305-2單元(辦公) |
經營模式 | 貿易型 |
經營范圍 | 商品批發貿易(許可審批類商品除外)商品零售貿易(許可審批類商品除外)包裝裝潢設計服務美術圖案設計服務電子產品設計服務企業形象策劃服務策劃創意服務市場營銷策劃服務計算機技術開發、技術服務會議及展覽服務貨物進出口(專營專控商品除外) |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司郵編 | 510000 |
- 郭偉寧
- 廣東
- GAST旋片式真空泵
- GAST旋片式真空泵,0523-
- 廣州市海珠區蠔殼洲東街11號自編1號樓305-2單元(辦公)
- 郭偉寧
- 廣州奇域緯誠商貿有限公司
- 510000
- 廣州市海珠區蠔殼洲東街11號自編1號樓305-2單元(辦公)