uangzhou Barnes Furniture Co., Ltd. Our company supplies quality steel office storage cabinets. Our products include mobile/fixed pedestal, lateral filing cabinet, vertical filing cabinet, swing/sliding door cabinet, roller shutter door cabinet, mobile compactor, and office accessories. We are part owners with the manufacturers with advance machines and highly skilled workers. We place great importance to the product quality and services, and we have long-term trust and support from our existing clients. 廣州巴恩士家具有限公司是一家經營鋼制辦公家具及家具配件的公司。我們供應的主要產品有:活動抽屜柜,座地抽屜柜,橫式文件卡柜,直式文件卡柜,掩門柜,移門柜,卷門柜,儲物柜,大型移動柜等產品。公司有自己擁有股份的生產基地,配備有電腦自動沖床,自動折邊機,自動噴涂線等的生產設備,并且有一批經驗豐富的,素質良好的技術工人。公司極其重視品質管理,優良和穩定的產品品質贏得了客戶的長期信賴和支持。