州市德豐金剛石工具廠,成立于1989年,位于金剛石工具之鄉湖北省鄂州市內。是一家集科研生產與一體的高新科技生產廠家。工廠技術人員從事金剛石工具研發工作有20余年的經驗,掌握金剛石工具的技術工藝配方,有生產設備和嚴格的質量管理體系。生產的金剛石工具有:繩鋸、圓盤鋸、小鋸片、磨輪、鉆頭。同時兼有的模具加工設備,承接金剛石模具、石墨模具加工制作。質量,產品行銷國內外。永豐宗旨是“質量至上,用戶至上,誠實守信,共同發展”的企業精神。為廣大客戶提供品質優良的產品與服務。DEFENG Diamond Tools manufacturer is a high-tech factory specializing in R&D and manufacturing. it is established in 1989 and located in E’ZHOU city which is the home of Diamond tools.Our factory have more than 20 year’s experience in designing Diamond tools, master well about the advanced technology process, also we have advanced production equipment and strict quality management system. Our products including: wire saw, circular saw, small blade, mounted points and drills, in the mean time, we process diamond mold and graphite mold. The quality of Our product is very good and we sell to many countries. It is our pledge and desire to provide and improve the product quality and service, we want to build win-win cooperation with our customers.