武漢法爾丹服裝有限公司是一家以經營外軍外貿服飾為主的企業,下有幾個大型工廠。我們擁有的管理班子和一支精干的生產技術隊伍,完善的管理體系和強大的技術力量,服裝年產量過百萬套,產品中東、非洲、歐美、韓國、日本等國家。 我們的銷售團隊,,真誠,熱情地為廣大客戶提供全面,快捷,的信息服務.銷售隊伍衷心期待您來電來信洽談批發、代理、業務。我們的服務宗旨是“沒有好,只有更好”,熱情歡迎國內外客商光臨洽談指導! 主營產品:服,ACU,套裝,CS套裝,軍訓服,外軍,工作服,軍訓服,服裝,特戰服,服批發,服,戶外,服廠家,ACU二代服。 如有需要還望能直接通過旺旺詳詢! Wuhan Fronter Garment Co., Ltd. is located in Wuhan, Hubei province, China. We are one of the largest manufactories of the military camouflage uniforms in China. And we have in this line for more than 20 years, We have the business relationship with many alibaba members, and our products are also enjoying popularity in Africa and Mid-East markets. We have a good variety of colors and sizes to meet with different needs and we are famous for competitive price, best service, high quality and timely delivery, as we are the manufactory, we are the source. If you are interested in our products, want to know more about the details ,please contact with us! Thank you!