深圳市福義軒信息技術有限公司隸屬南京浩凱科技有限公司,是它的全資下屬控股子公司(以下簡稱“福義軒”)創建于2005年,是全國網絡安全領域的代表企業之一,公司總部位于中國廣東省深圳市,福義軒信息積累了多年網絡安全產品研發和市場運做經驗,專注于信息安全,是一家的網絡安全設備提供商及服務商。 目前,深圳福義軒公司在全國市場推廣和分銷以色列CheckPoint刀片式防火墻、英國Sophos UTM防火墻、北京Hillstone山石網科防火墻、北京網康上網行為管理、美國Fortinet(飛塔)防火墻、美國WatchGuard、美國Dell SonicWall防火墻等中外企業產品系列,公司高層團隊具備國外的網絡安全攻防研發技術和豐富的企業管理經驗。公司設有渠道銷售部,市場部,售前售后技術部等部門,在中國華南區、華東區、西北區、東北區等4個大區設立分支機構,初步形成了良性發展的產業鏈和營銷跨區體系。 Founded in 2005, Shenzhen FuYiXuan Information Technology Co.,Ltd (FuYiXuan), is the wholly-owned Subsidiary of Nanjing HaoKai Science and Technology Co.,Ltd. The company is headquartered in Shenzhen, China. It is a leading national supplier and service provider of professional network security equipment. And it has years of network security products research and development and marketing experience, specializing in information security. At present, FuYiXuan focused on the promotion and distribution of China and foreign well-known products in china including firewall CheckPoint , firewall Sophos UTM(Sophos company), internet behavior management Hillstone (beijing), Internet behavior management NS-ICG (Beijing), firewall Fortinet(USA),firewall PaloALto(USA)and firewall Dell SonicWall(USA). The top team of the company has advanced network security attack and defense technology and rich experience in enterprise management. It has sales department, marketing department and pre-sales/ after service department , etc. and consists of four branches in South ,East, Northwest and Northeast of China.